Sunday, 3 January 2010

John Mayer Interview With The Times

A little like root beer, or pledging one’s allegiance to a flag, or dressing up like a hooker for Hallowe’en, John Mayer is something better understood in America than Britain. Over here, the 32-year-old from Connecticut is famous only with those who read celebrity mags and see his boyish good looks papped alongside a montage of famous girlfriends, including Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Simpson and Cameron Diaz. But in the US he’s also revered as something of a virtuoso guitar player; a singer-songwriter who has won seven Grammys, sold 13 million copies of his first three albums and just released a fourth. That’s quite some continental drift, which is why Mayer has made this album so unchallenging and catchy that it might just be a universal hit. And these are not adjectives designed to offend him.

Read The Interview At The Times' Website


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